Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Wild Card

The fact that people across the world are struggling is no surprise. People are literally working themselves to death on little to no money just to provide for their family. For the women of these households it is even harder to provide if needed. That is why recently there has been an alarming rise in women selling their bodies for money, and not in the way you would think. Many women in rural areas are putting their wombs “up for rent”. That’s right their selling their bodies to be used for surrogacy for families who cannot conceive.
“Across the globe, surrogacy is on the rise. As women wait longer to have children, as infertility affects more and more people, and as gay couples look to start a family, there becomes a greater need for gestational surrogates – women who carry the embryo of someone else’s baby.” Refinery 29 

An article found on NDTV features an article with some shocking details about why they want to stop these women from selling their bodies in such a manner. They stated that this type of undocumented surrogacy is unlawful “The bill cleared by the union cabinet last week bans what the government calls commercial surrogacy or the exchange of money for surrogacy. It provides that only "close relatives" can be used as surrogates and also bars newly married couples, NRIs and foreigners, and single and gay people from using surrogates to have babies.”
There are even claims that the rich are exploiting the poor for cheaper surrogacy News Talk. “Surrogacy has been growing as an option in Ireland - but the lack of a legal framework has been a cause of concern.” Why is it such a big problem? Many people seem to think outsourcing is risky for the parent, surrogate and for the child. There is also alarm for, “the mistreatment of surrogate women and what surrogacy means for the children who are born of it, both physically and psychologically.” Refinery 29

In the end I don’t really mind the thought of surrogacy if they are being ethical about it I feel like every woman has the right to do what they want with their bodies. Plus the women involved are just trying to provide for their families. My main concern would be the women getting paid fully and not being mistreated. At the end of the day the most important subject of the matter is the child and making sure they have a safe and healthy environment to grow up in. 


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