Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Pop Culture

      Roman philosopher Plautus (254-184 BC) wrote, "A woman without paint is like food without salt."

Make up is a big part of the lives of many women. Not only because it somewhat transforms you but it also let women express their creativity. If you search online there are literally millions of blogs and vlogs that discuss make up and how to use it. Make up has literally transcended from what it used to be. Now there are whole television shows that are all about makeup and the artist. Makeup trends are constantly changing. In order to understand these changes in trends in cosmetics it is important to take a look into the evolution of makeup itself. “Women and men have been wearing cosmetics for centuries, although the styles have certainly undergone some dramatic changes over time.”

              Makeup can date back to Egyptian times for males and females. “The earliest historical record of makeup comes from the 1st Dynasty of Egypt (c.3100-2907 BC). Tombs from this era have revealed unguent jars, which in later periods were scented. Unguent was a substance extensively used by men and women to keep their skin hydrated and supple and to avoid wrinkles from the dry heat. The women of Egypt also decorated their eyes by applying dark green color to the under lid and blackening the lashes and the upper lid with kohl, which was made from antimony (a metallic element) or soot. It is believed that the Jews adopted the use of makeup from the Egyptians, since references to the painting of faces appear in the New Testament section of the Bible.”

              More than anything makeup is trending because that is what our idols really focus in on. People like Kylie Jenner or even J Lo make a good living off of makeup. So of course it is only natural for us to want to join in. Along with that in my personal opinion make up is fun. It is almost like an adult dress up time. Make up will continue to trend in pop culture as long as there are new tricks and fun things that come along with it. If you were to check the web each day for new tip hacks and fun for makeup you would be sure to find over twenty each time. The power of makeup is obviously is very strong and I think that is why people are so hooked on especially the stars that are always in the spotlight.


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