Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Movie Review

By far one of my favorite movies of all time in the movie Prometheus. This one of the newer sy-fy movies of our time but it is based on an older movie called Alien. To begin this movies cinematography was amazing to say the least. The images shown were literally out of this world. Along with that the story line was acceptably deep but deep enough to one can understand and enjoy the almost 3 hour movie.

Millions of years ago, a spacecraft of an alien race arrived on Earth. One of the aliens consumes a dark liquid, causing its body to disintegrate and fall into a nearby waterfall. We see its DNA break down and recombine, seeding the beginning of life itself on earth. This is how the movie begins. After that I was already enthralled.

In the year 2089 somewhere in Scotland, archaeologist couple Elizabeth Shaw and her boyfriend Charlie Holloway discover a star map in a cave which they had recorded while investigating “unconnected” ancient cultures. So they set out to follow this map in hopes to discover the meaning of life. They came up with a crew of scientist and workers to go on a voyage through space with them. Of course this voyage was covered by and an old ailing billionaire.

The ship's crew travels in hibernation stasis at light speed while the android David stays awake at the pilot control to monitor their entire voyage. In 2093, the ship arrives in the orbit around (Note: it is not the same planet first seen in the 1979 movie Alien but is in a nearby region of space) after being awakened from hibernation, the crew are informed of their mission to find the ancient aliens, called "Engineers" who may be the creators of the human race.

Mission director orders them to avoid any direct contact and to return if the aliens are found. But of course it wouldn’t have been any fun if they hadn’t.
When exploring the planet, the crew members find remains of the old inhabitants and come to find out that they have human genes in them. But this voyage of course didn’t go as planned. Within the planet they found some biochemical material and some decided to keep some for research.

Come to find out this material kills humans and was going to be used to get rid of the whole human race. We found this out because end the end many of the crew members die because of the material. The end of the movie only Shaw survives and instead of going back home she plans to find the “headquarters” of our creators to see why the human race was actually created.

In the final shot, in the Prometheus escape pod, an alien creature (very similar to the xenomorph seen in the other Alien movies) bursts out of the dying Engineer's chest. Thus ending an amazing movie.

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