Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Movie Review

By far one of my favorite movies of all time in the movie Prometheus. This one of the newer sy-fy movies of our time but it is based on an older movie called Alien. To begin this movies cinematography was amazing to say the least. The images shown were literally out of this world. Along with that the story line was acceptably deep but deep enough to one can understand and enjoy the almost 3 hour movie.

Millions of years ago, a spacecraft of an alien race arrived on Earth. One of the aliens consumes a dark liquid, causing its body to disintegrate and fall into a nearby waterfall. We see its DNA break down and recombine, seeding the beginning of life itself on earth. This is how the movie begins. After that I was already enthralled.

In the year 2089 somewhere in Scotland, archaeologist couple Elizabeth Shaw and her boyfriend Charlie Holloway discover a star map in a cave which they had recorded while investigating “unconnected” ancient cultures. So they set out to follow this map in hopes to discover the meaning of life. They came up with a crew of scientist and workers to go on a voyage through space with them. Of course this voyage was covered by and an old ailing billionaire.

The ship's crew travels in hibernation stasis at light speed while the android David stays awake at the pilot control to monitor their entire voyage. In 2093, the ship arrives in the orbit around (Note: it is not the same planet first seen in the 1979 movie Alien but is in a nearby region of space) after being awakened from hibernation, the crew are informed of their mission to find the ancient aliens, called "Engineers" who may be the creators of the human race.

Mission director orders them to avoid any direct contact and to return if the aliens are found. But of course it wouldn’t have been any fun if they hadn’t.
When exploring the planet, the crew members find remains of the old inhabitants and come to find out that they have human genes in them. But this voyage of course didn’t go as planned. Within the planet they found some biochemical material and some decided to keep some for research.

Come to find out this material kills humans and was going to be used to get rid of the whole human race. We found this out because end the end many of the crew members die because of the material. The end of the movie only Shaw survives and instead of going back home she plans to find the “headquarters” of our creators to see why the human race was actually created.

In the final shot, in the Prometheus escape pod, an alien creature (very similar to the xenomorph seen in the other Alien movies) bursts out of the dying Engineer's chest. Thus ending an amazing movie.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Technology - The Iconic, Unbreakable Nokia 3310 Is Relaunching This Year

Yes our old school phones are making a comeback. Phones of course are not like they used to be at all. "Sure, we can actually use the internet now, but the bigger screen and modern-day smartphone luxuries just don't compare to old-school week-long battery life, indestructible sassy phone cases, and the best game in the whole world". Popular Mechanics . It is even fully equipped with our favorite snake game, I remember playing that when I was a kid. Nokias big comeback is expected to feature both Android-based phones and tablets, with HMD previously announcing that it will invest a $500 million over the next three years, holding the rights to the trademark until 2024.

The company acquired “exclusive rights to market phones under the storied Nokia brand” and plans to announce four phones at the Mobile World Congress, which kicks off Feb. 26 in Barcelona, Spain, according to Venture Beat.

I belive this could be great for the company, especially with the older demographic. It honestly brings back a bunch of memories in my opinion that would be its highest selling point. Other than the older version of the Nokia phone they or course will have newer updated versions.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Pop Culture

      Roman philosopher Plautus (254-184 BC) wrote, "A woman without paint is like food without salt."

Make up is a big part of the lives of many women. Not only because it somewhat transforms you but it also let women express their creativity. If you search online there are literally millions of blogs and vlogs that discuss make up and how to use it. Make up has literally transcended from what it used to be. Now there are whole television shows that are all about makeup and the artist. Makeup trends are constantly changing. In order to understand these changes in trends in cosmetics it is important to take a look into the evolution of makeup itself. “Women and men have been wearing cosmetics for centuries, although the styles have certainly undergone some dramatic changes over time.”

              Makeup can date back to Egyptian times for males and females. “The earliest historical record of makeup comes from the 1st Dynasty of Egypt (c.3100-2907 BC). Tombs from this era have revealed unguent jars, which in later periods were scented. Unguent was a substance extensively used by men and women to keep their skin hydrated and supple and to avoid wrinkles from the dry heat. The women of Egypt also decorated their eyes by applying dark green color to the under lid and blackening the lashes and the upper lid with kohl, which was made from antimony (a metallic element) or soot. It is believed that the Jews adopted the use of makeup from the Egyptians, since references to the painting of faces appear in the New Testament section of the Bible.”

              More than anything makeup is trending because that is what our idols really focus in on. People like Kylie Jenner or even J Lo make a good living off of makeup. So of course it is only natural for us to want to join in. Along with that in my personal opinion make up is fun. It is almost like an adult dress up time. Make up will continue to trend in pop culture as long as there are new tricks and fun things that come along with it. If you were to check the web each day for new tip hacks and fun for makeup you would be sure to find over twenty each time. The power of makeup is obviously is very strong and I think that is why people are so hooked on especially the stars that are always in the spotlight.


Monday, February 6, 2017

Game of Thrones: Post 2

                Game of Thrones is an extremely popular television show that has aired for six seasons on HBO. “The show is based on the epic fantasy novel series, A Song of Fire and Ice, written by George R. R. Martin. The first novel of the seven-book series is called A Game of Throne”. Each new season has is about the next book in the series
In my opinion this is a great show. There are so many details and mystery to his show that it is kind of hard to stop watching. From the scenery to the acting the show really is a hit. This show is not for children of the faint hearted. This show very often have scenes that are gruesome or sexually heated. Every season is a new adventure
The setting of Game of Thrones takes place on the fictional or made up continents of “Westerns “and “Essos” it would remind you of the Middle Ages. The story has a lot of common fantasy features, like swordplay, magic, and fictional creatures like dragons, those features are downplayed a lot to not distract from the human interactions and storyline. The show has three core storylines of the book series.

“The first is the continuing civil war between the various houses of Westeros, each vying for the Iron Throne and control of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros — hence, the name Game of Thrones. The three principle houses involved in this civil war are the Starks of Winterfell, the Lannisters of Casterly Rock, and the Baratheons of Dragonstone. At the start of the series, the Baratheons control the Iron Throne. However, with the death of King Robert Baratheon, the Lannisters seize power when Robert’s wife Cersei Lannister becomes queen-regent after her son assumes the throne; Cersei’s brother, Tyrion Lannister, becomes their chief advisor. After that, many of the other houses rise up to fight Lannister control and claim their own right to the Iron Throne.

                  The second storyline takes place in Essos, a harsh land of mostly desert. Daenerys Targaryen, the exiled daughter and last surviving heir to House Targaryen (which used to rule the Seven Kingdoms before the Baratheons came to power), seeks to build an army and return to Westeros to reclaim the Iron Throne. At first sold into marriage to the Dothraki tribal leader Khal Drogo by her older brother (who was later killed), Daenerys has become a powerful queen and has in her possession three dragons — a species thought instinct since the rule of the Targaryens. With her dragons and the massive army she’s building, Daenerys plans to cross the Narrow Sea, which separates the two continents, and defeat those who deposed and killed her father.

                  The third storyline takes place in the Northern part of Westeros at the massive ice structure called the Wall, which protects the southern lands from the “wildling” humans and supernatural creatures (such as White Walkers) that live “beyond the Wall.” Jon Snow, the illegitimate son of Ned Stark (head of House Stark) enlists with the Night’s Watch, the small army stationed at the Wall that is charged with protecting the southern lands. With the approach of a long winter, the Wall and the Night’s Watch are under siege from wildling invaders who seek to overtake the Seven Kingdoms. What’s happening at the Wall is mostly unknown to the rest of Westeros, and the peoples of the Seven Kingdoms are unprepared for the coming threat.”

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Music Review

Alina Baraz, a 21 year old Los Angeles-based singer and songwriter. I would say she is the next leading vocalist of somewhat of a different sound.Her music is what you would call electronic / dance.

            Alina while working underground caught the attention of electronic musician Galimatias, who she found a connection with through Sound Cloud after writing and recording her own lyrics over one of his previously-released instrumentals, which would ultimately become their first collaboration, entitled "Drift". Alina and Galimatias started working on many other songs together, coming out with a single called Make you Feel plus an EP, which includes Drift and Pretty Thoughts. They even came up with the new single titled Fantasy, which appeared on the EP Urban Flora this spring. All of these songs together for the Album Urban Flora

Urban Flora is the name of her first album. The music on their Urban Flora EP kind of sounds like easy-listening R&B soundtrack. On the album there are many songs about possession, obsession and the shortcomings of infatuation, set to a perfect, dreamily slow down tempo designed to give you thoughts about nature of desire. It all works very well together.

Fantasy – which has already gotten over 18 million plays across Sound cloud, Spotify and YouTube. The music is said to have a sound like a, “ Mariah Carey’s song of the same name slowed to 18rpm, chopped and screwed, more sedated than seductive.” . “Take me to a place, where there’s no time, no space,” sang Baraz, referring to the dangerously rarefied air you breathe when you’re in love. Unfold displays Baraz’s voice at somewhat of a whisper and her w view of love “The kind … we can’t control”, (which is actually one of my favorite lines) over Galimatias’s delicately nice music. Maybe is a song about deceit and devotion to an unwilling partner. By Can I, is really a song about pleasing the one you love in my opinion. “Each track is a slight variation on the template, with sufficient differences to sustain your interest, although this might be the EP’s prettily poignant peak: think Cassie and Ciara slipping R&B’s moorings and drifting to the moon (“If I told you I could give you life, would you leave the boundaries of your mind?”). “Pretty Thoughts, with it is really very soothing in its sound Finally, Drift is just interesting enough to keep wanting more in my opinion. I personally enjoy her music it is very mellow but at the same time it can make you move.Recently she has a hit single called Electric which is one of my new favorites.